
scheduleOrder Of Go


scheduleCompetition Resources

Competition Format

USEF Pony Rider Dressage National Championship:
The National Championship for FEI Pony Riders is open to riders between the ages of 12 and 16. Athletes and horses will compete in two tests, the FEI Pony Team Test and FEI Pony Individual Test, with each counting toward 50% of the overall results.

AGCO/USEF Junior Dressage National Championship:
The National Championship for FEI Juniors is open to riders between the ages of 14 and 18. Athletes and horses will compete in two tests, the FEI Junior Team Test and the FEI Junior Individual Test, with each counting toward 50% of the overall results.

AGCO/USEF Junior Dressage National Championship:
The National Championship for FEI Young Riders is open to riders between the ages of 16 and 21. Athletes and horses will compete in two tests, the FEI Young Rider Team Test and the FEI Young Rider Individual Test, with each counting toward 50% of the overall results.

USEF Young Adult ‘Brentina Cup’ Dressage National Championship presented by Dressage Today:
Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Parry Thomas for their generous and continuing support of this exciting program. The purpose of this program is to assist and encourage US Young Riders in making the transition to Senior Grand Prix competitors. Riders between the ages of 16 and 25 are eligible to participate. Athletes and horses will compete in two tests, the USEF Young Adult “Brentina Cup” Test and the FEI Young Adult U-25 Grand Prix Test, with each counting toward 50% of the overall results.

The Dutta Corp/USEF Intermediaire I Dressage National Championship:
Athletes and horses will compete in three tests: the FEI Prix St. Georges Test, the FEI Intermediaire I Test and the FEI Intermediaire I Freestyle Test. Placings will be determined by overall average: Prix St. Georges (40%), Intermediaire I (45%), and Intermediaire I Freestyle (15%).

Selection Trial for the U.S. Dressage Team Short List for the 2014 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games & The Dutta Corp/USEF Grand Prix Dressage National Championship:
Athletes and horses will compete in three tests: the FEI Grand Prix Test, the FEI Grand Prix Special Test and the FEI Grand Prix Freestyle Test. Placings will be determined by overall average: Grand Prix (45%), Grand Prix Special (40%), and Grand Prix Freestyle (15%).


Brow Bands with Bling
Caracol - Inspired Jewelry
Custom Saddlery
DerDau Custom Made Boots & Shoes
Dressage Connection
Ellerslie Custom Blankets
Horse & Rider Boutique
International Riding Helmets
le Fashion Cottage
Monica Stevenson - Photography
Susan Stickle Photographer
Tempi Design Studio
Who Let the Dawgs Out (food vendor)

2014 Gladstone Dressage Initiative

The USEF and the USET Foundation would like to thank the 2014 Gladstone Dressage Initiative for raising the funds in order to offer competitors across all six divisions of the 2014 U.S. Dressage Festival of Champions presented by The Dutta Corp prize money for the first time in over 10 years. The Initiative, a group of individuals passionate about the future of U.S. Dressage, raised $155,000 which will be split between the six divisions as follows: The Dutta Corp/USEF Grand Prix Dressage National Championship, $130,000; The Dutta Corp/USEF Intermediaire I, USEF Young Adult 'Brentina Cup' presented by Dressage Today, AGCO/USEF Young Rider, AGCO/USEF Junior, and USEF Pony Rider Dressage National Championship will each award $5,000.
